Useful Tips: How to Meet Girls Online

How to Meet Girls Online


Nowadays, many couples meet online. Chats, social networks, online games, and forums—the World Wide Web allows you to find friends and like-minded people from all corners of the world. For many guys, it’s a great opportunity to meet a girl in a time-constrained environment—not everyone has the opportunity, besides work and study, to lead an active lifestyle, go to the gym or pool, or hang out in clubs or cafes.

While it’s impossible to guarantee the success of an online acquaintance, sociologists suggest that a third of married couples in recent decades met online. Of these, about 45% found each other through dating sites, 21% through social networks, and 34% through blogs, forums, online games, and other resources. These numbers are encouraging. But how do you correctly meet a girl online to win her sympathy and start a relationship?

How to Meet a Beautiful Girl on Dating Sites

There are not just dozens but hundreds of dating platforms. Some are very popular, while others barely have a few hundred users. The more popular sites are more promising for successful dating—they have many users, and thus a larger female audience. Remember, girls looking to meet online always search for information about their online acquaintances. It’s a reasonable precaution. Therefore, don’t spam your profile on every possible dating site—register only on one or a few of the most popular platforms. This increases your chances of finding a girl and prevents you from appearing frivolous to those seriously interested in you.

Note: If you post your profile on several sites, ensure all information is identical. Even a small mistake can scare off a girl.

Don't Scare Her

Here are the main rules for meeting a girl:

  • Post a photo when registering on a dating site. Often, users, fearing being recognized by acquaintances, upload “masked” photos, such as in large sunglasses or from an angle where the face isn’t clearly visible. Remember, having no photo on your profile almost nullifies your chances of meeting someone.
  • Post only your own photos. Retouching and editing are allowed, but in minimal, very reasonable amounts. If you genuinely want to meet a girl for any kind of relationship and not waste time on fruitless dates, don’t be afraid to post real photos of yourself. This helps avoid awkward dates with girls expecting someone entirely different.
  • Provide more information about yourself. It may seem that few care about your religion, favorite dish, or alcohol stance, but answers to these questions help your interlocutor understand you better.
  • Briefly write about yourself. Avoid clichés, poems, pompous quotes, and profound speeches by great people. Be yourself, write about what you genuinely like, your hobbies, and the music you listen to. This helps women see if you have common topics for conversation during meetings.
  • Be honest about why you’re looking for a girl. Always be truthful. While more girls might respond to “looking for a girl for a serious relationship,” if you lie, you’ll attract the wrong candidates.
  • Be realistic in your requirements. A man “slightly over fifty” shouldn’t expect an influx of love letters and meeting requests from 30-year-old women. Evaluate your chances realistically and adjust your expectations or continue searching diligently for your lady.

These are not all the secrets of correctly meeting girls online. There are many aspects of communication to consider beyond filling out a dating profile. Let’s discuss how to correctly communicate with girls in personal correspondence.

How to Start a Conversation with a Girl Online

Girls rarely start conversations with men. Ladies remain ladies even online. Therefore, you’ll have to start the dialogue. Remember, the first sentences are crucial. Avoid starting with clichés like “Hi, how are you?” Such template phrases do not encourage communication and give the impression of disregard.

A good idea is to start an online acquaintance with an honest compliment. Then, try discussing common interests or information she mentioned in her profile. What not to start with:

  • Avoid starting with vulgar jokes or intimate details if you’re looking for lighthearted communication and joint entertainment.
  • Avoid using poetry, whether your own or someone else’s. Receiving such a message, a girl will likely assume you send the same message to all your interlocutors.
  • Avoid using the same phrase for different girls. Writing by template is fine, but always add something personalized for the chosen girl. Women like to feel special.
  • Don’t tell jokes right after a short dialogue. Humor is subjective, and your interlocutor might not find your joke funny.
  • Don’t start with lies and boasting. Saying “I’m in Paris now, having a salad with frog legs” while sitting in your dorm room in old shorts and a stretched T-shirt is a bad idea. Such statements indicate insecurity and dishonesty. This imaginary image won’t help you find a significant other but will attract girls seeking a sponsor or “sugar daddy.”
  • Avoid slang and swear words. You’re talking to a girl, not a mechanic named Kolyan from the nearby auto repair shop.
  • Pay attention to spelling. Check the correct spelling of words using Word or online resources. You may be an interesting and erudite conversationalist, but the woman will first see and evaluate the text you wrote. If it has many foolish mistakes, surrounded by fancy words, she might stop communicating, thinking you’re strange and not very bright.

The key is to be yourself while respecting others’ principles and boundaries. This way, you can avoid unnecessary acquaintances, empty dates, and long conversations without meetings.

From Conversations to Actions on Dating Sites

Adults who use such resources know what they want. And they understand what people on the other side of the monitor want. So, there’s no need for long preliminaries. A day or two of chatting, and if you feel interested in the girl and she responds quickly and enthusiastically, it’s time to take action.

When asking for her phone number, avoid using “maybe.” Remember the simple NLP rule, which works well for picking up girls—phrase your request for a positive answer. For example: “Let’s meet on Friday at 6 PM, or I’ll call you now to arrange another time.” The girl can agree to the meeting or give her phone number.

If a woman tries to avoid giving an answer and suggests you leave your number so she can call you later, she likely isn’t interested. But if you like her very much, you can try talking to her again later—maybe you’ll succeed in interesting her. But don’t be pushy.

How to Meet a Girl on Social Networks

Social networks also offer great opportunities for meeting people. You can learn more about your interlocutor’s interests and preferences, her views on various life situations and topics that interest you. You can see what she “likes,” what groups she joins—this helps you learn more about her. If her social network profile isn’t private, you can see more about her circle and friends. Here’s how to meet a girl on social networks:

  • Interested in a girl after seeing her comments under a post? You can support her position or write an interesting counterpoint—this can be a good way to start a conversation. Then, move on to discussing common interests that you can find on her page.
  • If you found a girl in the suggested friends list, message her directly. As with dating sites, avoid clichés to capture her interest from the first sentence. Make a sincere compliment, show interest in her hobbies, and praise her photos.
  • Avoid slang, swear words, and ambiguities—your messages should be easy and pleasant to respond to. Communication with you should leave a good impression.
  • Don’t ask questions about her family, problems, or personal relationships. Discussing such topics is inappropriate and uncomfortable, especially with a stranger. If she is open to communication, she’s either single or not happy in her current relationship.
  • Avoid pointless messages just to say something. Don’t spam with emojis or write “haha” in response to every joke. Such communication can quickly bore the girl, making her decide that you’re not an interesting interlocutor.
  • When filling out your social network status, avoid clichés and vulgar phrases. Don’t write pompous or crude “manly” aphorisms about women. It’s better to write something sincere about what you’re feeling or want to say at the moment. Sincerity is always noticeable, and women appreciate it.
  • Post photos with minimal retouching. There’s no point in enhancing your appearance if you hope to meet in person.
  • Show interest in her new photos. When a girl posts a new photo, she wants her followers to appreciate it, so liking or commenting on her new posts can be a good tactic. But don’t overdo it—like only the photos you genuinely find appealing and comment on some of them.
  • If you share musical tastes, and the girl posts a track on her wall or status, respond to this post—it can start a discussion about shared musical interests.

Remember, online communication and meeting are closely related to

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