How to Communicate with a Girl in Person and Online

How to Communicate with a Girl in Person and Online

Communication with a girl becomes a challenge for many guys. During the conversation, their eloquence, ingenuity, and confidence disappear without a trace. This happens during personal meetings and online communication. Psychologists Viktor Sander, Philip Zimbardo, and Lori Gorshow shared tips on how and what to talk about with a girl.

How to Communicate with a Girl in Person

Most guys feel nervous and apprehensive when they need to talk to a girl. They want to make a good impression on their chosen one, but they noticeably get nervous. According to psychologist Viktor Sander, guys’ nervousness is triggered by a lack of experience in communicating with the opposite sex. It is often caused by shyness, fear of appearing boring, or a subconscious fear of rejection. To overcome nervousness, the psychologist recommends focusing attention on the girl and continuing to act despite internal fears.

How to communicate interestingly with a girl? To make communication easy and interesting, follow these recommendations:

  1. Establish eye contact: A wandering glance can ruin the impression. The girl might interpret it as boredom and lack of interest. Look her in the eyes to make her feel like an interesting person and help establish a connection.
  2. Behave confidently: According to the author of the book “How to Overcome Shyness” Philip Zimbardo, guys experience shyness, distrust, and even the desire to leave on dates. Try to overcome these feelings. Don’t focus on the outcome of the conversation; start talking and enjoy the moment. Be confident, but don’t turn the conversation into a list of your achievements.
  3. Treat her like a friend: When communicating with the opposite sex, guys often want to appear smarter, more attractive, and more successful. Relax. Don’t try to make the best impression; just have a pleasant conversation. Find common interests, joke, and ask questions.
  4. Talk about interesting topics: To make the conversation flow easily, discuss topics that will be interesting to the girl. Avoid general questions like “Where are you from?” or “What do you do?” Talk about movies, music, and books. Ask about her goals and dreams. Ask about her family, work, studies, and hobbies. Ask how she prefers to spend her free time and if she likes to travel.
  5. Listen: Try to understand the girl. Ask leading questions when the conversation stalls. This will show genuine interest and help understand her inner world.
  6. Respect her opinion: During arguments, guys often present hundreds of arguments to prove their point and force the girl to accept their viewpoint. For healthy communication, accept that she has the right to her own opinion.

How to communicate with a girl to make her fall in love with you? Be sincere, cheerful, and positive. Don’t talk about your problems, smile more. Show attention and interest. Learn to listen to the girl, try to understand what she wants and strives for. Find common ground (hobbies, music, favorite dishes). Ask her opinion on important things for you. Make her laugh, surprise her, and give compliments.

Girl in sunglasses and a jacket laughing, standing next to a guy on the street
How to communicate with a girl in person: Unsplash/Alex Moiseev

How to Communicate with a Girl Online

In the age of technology development, the internet is no longer seen exclusively as a source of useful information. More and more often, people use the worldwide web for communication. This opinion is confirmed by the author of the bestseller “Smart Pickup. Dating and Communicating with a Girl” Stanislav Floyd, who says that today guys meet and communicate with girls on various thematic forums, dating sites, and social networks. However, many do not know how to move beyond the banal “How are you?” and make the communication interesting.

How to communicate with a girl online? To maintain light and easy communication with girls online, follow these tips:

  1. Don’t be too intrusive: Greet her, ask one question, and wait for an answer. If she responds briefly or remains silent, she might not be interested in talking. Accept it and don’t bombard her with dozens of new messages.
  2. Be polite and courteous: In communication with a girl, it’s important to maintain a friendly tone, calmness, and politeness. Compliment her, be restrained in jokes, and don’t be sarcastic.
  3. Study her profile carefully: This will help you understand her interests and how she presents herself. Her profile will give you an idea of how open and truthful she is online.
  4. Ask questions correctly: Experts from the “Psychologist Tips” portal recommend avoiding questions that can be answered with a single word. To learn more about the girl, ask questions that require detailed answers or opinions.
  5. Become an interesting interlocutor: To interest the girl, develop your personality in various ways, read more books, watch documentaries, and attend training sessions. Talk to her about hobbies, travels, her interests, and plans. Ask her about her childhood and share funny stories about yours.
  6. Show interest in her opinion and share your own: Relationship expert Lori Gorshow recommends asking the girl for her opinion on various matters. This will show your interest in continuing the communication.
  7. Become a faithful and loyal friend: Show interest in her experiences, daily activities, joys, and sorrows, and provide emotional support.
  8. Moderate communication: Don’t drag the conversation until it becomes boring for both, and don’t text every minute 24/7. Give her time to rest and miss you.
  9. Be yourself: Don’t create a false image. Show honesty and let her know what you expect from communication—flirting, friendship, or a personal meeting and further relationship development.

Guy in a denim jacket and light T-shirt standing in the middle of the street with a phone in his hand
How to communicate with a girl online: Unsplash/Sarah Brown

Don’t prolong virtual communication; finish it with a personal meeting. Be attentive and don’t miss the moment when the girl is ready to give you her phone number and meet in person.

Many guys find it difficult to talk to girls both in person and online. To maintain communication, be honest, polite, and confident. Touch on topics interesting to the girl, be interested in her opinion, and always give compliments. Then, you won’t notice how an interesting dialogue will flow by itself.

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